opportunities for learning
Sunday Learning
Learning Hour begins with a cross+generational ‘opening’ large group and then divides into small groups for all ages. There are opportunities to learn as a participant and to lead smaller groups of adults or children. contact: Tammie tammie@stpaul-elca.org
Breakfast Club
Gather for breakfast and Bible Study around the coming Sunday’s scripture readings. Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m. (1st Weds. @ Parthenon Diner, Boston Post Road) contact: Andrew andrewpseddon@gmail.com
Thursday Bible Study
Weekly study through a book of the Bible. All are welcome. No previous Bible knowledge is needed. We value questions that make us really think about the readings. Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. contact: Carol windsongcv@sbcglobal.net
Evening Bible Study
Gather for a meal and study a relevant topic or a book of the Bible. contact: Regina rmoller@me.com
Time together includes group building activities; peer learning of scripture, Luther’s Small Catechism and church participation; meeting with assigned mentors for guided faith conversations; dinner and worship. Process culminates in a ministry project. Youth will be scheduled to affirm their faith during worship in conversation with confirmand, parents, confirmation mentor, Director of CYF and the Pastor. contact: Tammie tammie@stpaul-elca.org