So many ways to help!
Care Ministries
Care Team: Cultivate efforts to help care for one another (i.e. eucharistic visitors, grief ministry, funeral reception support).
Mission Team: Coordinate efforts to develop partnerships and serve others beyond St. Paul. contact: Bob rmoller01@gmail.com
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Pray and create shawls to share with others. contact: Pat patricianewborg@gmail.com
Visitation Ministry: Bring communion conversation and prayer to shut ins and the infirm. contact: Pastor pastorggeoff@stpaul-elca.org
Homework Club: Mentors meet twice weekly with children from Goodwin School in need of extra help. contact: Melissa mehart01@comcast.net
Worship Ministries
Worship Planning: Plan ongoing, seasonal and festival worship opportunities. contact: Pastor Geoff pastorggeoff@gmail.com
Worship Assistants: Help with Sunday services by reading, helping with communion, greeting, ushering. contact: Kim kimm@stpaul-elca.org
St. Paul Choir: If you like to sing, then join the choir! No tryouts, no requirements and no qualifications. contact: Al al.laporte@att.net
Altar Care: Changing/cleaning altar cloths, set-up/clean-up of communion, baptisms, etc. contact: Doris epsimoneau@yahoo.com
Photographer: Take photos of events or special projects for church communications. contact: Kim kimm@stpaul-elca.org
Hospitality Ministries
Welcoming: Develop materials and processes to invite, follow-up and receive guests, visitors and new members. contact: Diana dianamichels@yahoo.com
Coffee Host: Set up Sunday coffee station every 2-3 months. Coffee and cups provided. contact: Kim kimm@stpaul-elca.org
Funeral Reception Server: Provide love and compassion by serving receptions following funerals. contact: Dicie dicie204@gmail.com
Hospitality: Provide events/opportunities to bring our church community together. contact: Kathy lymelight154@gmail.com
Stewardship Ministries
Finance Team: Help manage our St.Paul finances. contact: Jane janemoretti2@yahoo.com
Offering Counters: Count the offering every 6 weeks. contact: Jane janemoretti2@yahoo.com
Stewardship Planning: Develop and implement an annual pledge campaign and other opportunities to share all of God’s gifts. contact: Pastor Geoff pastorggeoff@gmail.com
Administrative: Assist Finance Secretary with preparing mailings, printing, or data entry. contact: Jane janemoretti2@yahoo.com
Property Team: Care for our church building and property. contact: Andrew andrewpseddon@gmail.com
Faith & Formation
Bible Study Host: Choose studies to share with other women. Space can be scheduled at the church. Contact: Tammie. tammie@stpaul-elca.org
Learning Hour Leader: Facilitate learning and service opportunities for all ages: contact: Tammie tammie@stpaul-elca.org